"We hope to accomplish what we have set forth to do and that is to make a positive, long lasting impact for years to come. In order to do that, we need cross community support."
- The Spectrum Tech Foundation
"We hope to accomplish what we have set forth to do and that is to make a positive, long lasting impact for years to come. In order to do that, we need cross community support."
- The Spectrum Tech Foundation
About Us
Our vision is that everyone with special needs is accepted and empowered to reach their fullest potential by creating the right circumstances that support these opportunities.
- To provide tangible resources to improve the quality of life in the special needs community while emphasizing on the Autism Spectrum.
- To empower families of the community through programs that focus on interpersonal development, self-expression, public safety, employment, education, health and social issues.
- To guide the use of assistive technology to enhance collaboration & innovation of education & technological advancements.
Purpose Driven
Our mission drives our programs and activities. We intentionally seek out the voices that may have gone overlooked to understand the various needs of the community to extend our reach.
We provide a safe space for expression & engagement through compassionate approaches. We want to be a support system for people from all walks of life and bring empowerment through grassroots efforts.
We aim to constantly create original programs. We are committed to advancing the use of technology to improve the quality of life for the community we serve.
We are transparent with our goals and believe in the power of diversity. We are bold in our actions and have the persistence to create unity where division lies.
We set objective goals and measure our results by the tangible impact we have on the lives of the people we serve. We aim to create opportunities that foster acceptance.
Apply to become a volunteer member today to help support our grassroots programs.
"With all the research that has been made available over the years, we hope to create an innovative initative that continuously shifts and grows with our community."
- The Spectrum Tech Foundation
"With all the research that has been made available over the years, we hope to create an innovative initative that continuously shifts and grows with our community."
- The Spectrum Tech Foundation

“This Foundation was formed to serve as a catalyst for hope and change that supports families and creates space for those who seemingly fall through the cracks --like my son, who may not end up in mainstream society. Simplicities like going to college or being a part of the workforce don't seem likely for him because of how Autism impacts his life. I don't think that Autism in of itself can ever really be addressed as a whole like other conditions because it impacts the community members differently which also means people will experience Autism differently. No two people experience Autism the same way, there may be similarities, but they won't be the same. A higher functioning Autistic doesn't experience lower functioning Autism and vice versa. This alone impacts the narratives across the community and the way advocacy is handled which is why we need more space for these narratives to come forward. In doing so, perhaps we can help heal others and take larger strides of progression as a community. There's such a mixture of Autistic's and caregivers because of the different ways Autism is experienced. This also includes a very large portion of the community who can't self-advocate, like some of the Level 2's and Level 3's in the DSM-5 who rely on their caretakers to be their voices.
For those who function on the mid to lower end, where do they go? They're not exactly floating around society trying to find their life's purpose, they stay with us, their caregivers, and we bring purpose to each other until our times end. They may not get to experience certain aspects of life we take for granted, like dating, getting married, driving a car, having a crush on someone, going on a job interview, meeting new co-workers, negotiating their own salaries or even making friends, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t experience anything or that they can’t be a part of something. For many caregivers, we create these spaces by experiencing the messiness of society in ways others don’t and we try to change it somehow--and that's all I'm hoping to do here, is to change something somehow.
We tend to lose ourselves in these battles because we’re the only ones who can fight for them the way we do. I started this SPED parent journey over 16-years ago where developmental delays lead us to Autism. The resources were scarce, or simply didn't exist, the battles for truth, equality, fairness and inclusion were like climbing a mountain with loads of gear that's unhelpful and heavy. So all you can do is hope that as you climb, it feels lighter, but it doesn't and you have to keep going anyway or you'll fall. My hope is that The Spectrum Tech Foundation can help make that climb easier and that mountain smaller than it once seemed."
Margaret Gautier
Founder + Board Chairman
Annual Reporting
We're brand new and underfunded.
Check back again when we gain some momentum.
-The Spectrum Tech Foundation
"We're a brand new formation and don't have any reports yet. As we grow, we will begin indexing our 990 reports directly to our website.
- The Spectrum Tech Foundation
"We're a brand new formation and don't have any reports yet. As we grow, we will begin indexing our 990 reports directly to our website."
- The Spectrum Tech Foundation